Frequently Asked Questions

What is your return policy?
If unable to attend a registered class, a future class credit will be offered if a cancellation is made 48 hours before the start of the first day of class. After this time, a credit is not guaranteed, due to the spot not being able to be filled. 

Individual classes missed during a multi-class session are not refundable.

Gift certificates are not refundable.

Can I make-up a missed class?

Due to classes being frequent & full, and instructor availability being limited, missed classes are difficult to make up.  We strive to offer an opportunity make-up the missed project (not the time) by allowing time to come earlier, stay later, or use extra class time. This would be only for one missed class. An additional class outside of regular class schedule can be offered for a fee depending on instructor and studio availability.   Do not wait until the end of session to try to make up a class.  Please talk with Lisa Smith if you know in advance that a class will be missed or if an unexpected absence occurs during a class session.

How does Earthworks promote a positive environment?

Earthworks strives to be a positive, uplifting environment.  Our calling is to love everyone where they are and to be a light of peace, hope and love.Controversial conversations should be had in other environments. 

Leave the worries of your life and day at the door, and bring your smile and positive attitude inside.  As our doormat says, “Good vibes only!

Problems that arise at the studio should be discussed privately with Lisa Smith and not during class. Our instructors do not address studio matters beyond the scope of their class. 

How do you keep the studio so clean??

With our amazing students’ help of course!

My mom always said, “Leave a place better than you found it.”  Our goal is to keep dust to a minimum, be safe in the studio, and be respectful of potters’ work.  Here’s a few tips:

1. Wheels should be wiped with a clean, slightly wet towel or large sponge which includes white wheel table, under wheel head, and wheel head itself including edge.
2. Buckets & wheel pans should be clay-free (top, sides and bottom) when cleaning up.  We use different colors of clay; therefore, cleaning thoroughly is important. The next person shouldn’t have to clean their bucket, wheel or tools before using.
3. Tools should be clay-free before returning to bins.  For example, don’t place a dirty sponge into storage bin.
4. Towels should be rinsed & sprayed until clay isn’t visible and hang to dry. Towels should not be hung on drying rack dirty or placed in hamper dirty and/or wet.
5. If working at table, table should be wiped clean with a clean sponge, including if working at canvas-covered table. Rinsing sponge several times avoid clay streaks on tables.
6. If you spill water, notify instructor immediately.  Please take the time to get the water up as our floors are slippery when wet.
7. Please don’t touch another person’s work. Instructors & helpers need to find your pieces and remove from drying areas or shelves. It’s a terrible feeling to break someone’s hard work, let us bear that burden.  No one should enter kiln room without an instructor or helper.
8.  If clay happens to touch the floor, please place in the trash. Contaminants can cause problems when firing. We have lots of clay…no worries.
9. Do not place heat gun (extremely hot) on plastic, plastic will melt in a quick second.
10. Leave a clean sink EVERY time! (Even if someone is waiting to clean their tools.)  This should be easy if only the clay water is going down sink because clay pieces are put in reclaim. Sediment will wash down sink.  Be courteous & please give a quick spray before leaving sink and don’t leave a mess for someone else to clean.

This is a community studio and we all bear the responsibility of keeping her healthy, safe and alive. Thank you for your help keeping Earthworks going, we cannot do it alone!